Friday, June 7, 2013

Good projects never die

May 17, 2013
My last post was a little while ago. That summer I tore my ACL and meniscus and put the canoe plans on hold. The materials traveled around with me for 4 years and 2 new locations. This spring I decided it was time to finish this long overdue project. I had all of the boards cut, so the first order of business was drilling holes along the edges where I would use wires to stitch the plywood together.
After accomplishing that on a beautifully sunny day, it was time to epoxy one side of the boards. The side that would be the inside of the canoe. I chose the more aesthetic sides of the plywood and laid them out in my back yard. The plan is to leave the inside of the hull unpainted and just have a nice wood finish. Not long after starting to epoxy the boards, the wind picked up and started raining twigs, leaves and bugs down onto the wet epoxy, thus encasing that stuff forever onto the boards. I now have an abundantly speckled interior finish to the canoe. Oh well. This is my first attempt at making a canoe and I'm sure this isn't the worst problem I will face. Right now I'm more concerned with making sure thing thing will float.

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